Category: This; And also that

Who Is Jonathan Coulton?

Coulton’s the creative cohort of John Hodgman (author of The Areas of My Expertise). He’s also borderline irresponsible. Best known for Flickr, a brilliant song/video written around images found on the image sharing site, Coulton’s been putting up a free…

21st century fashion plate

There’s a Kenneth Cole poster outside of Nordstrom’s that shouts out: “You are on a video camera over 20 times a day. Are you dressed for it?” Cole is known for its hip, ironic, outrageous statements, all in the name…

Conservative Pundit Smoothie

I have no idea what this means, but it turns out that if you take 1 part conservative pundit Charles Krauthammer, and blend it with 3 parts conservative pundit Ann Coulter, the result looks suspiciously like Fabio’s hard-living older brother.…

This one’s for the ladies

As a married guy, a lot of my female friends and acquaintances have been asking me for years to tell them how to snag a fella — to reveal the big secret of exactly what it is that men like.…

Our new faith

Over the holidays, my family converted to one of those new religions you’ve been reading so much about on MySpace and Google. We chose the “Cheese Promise Keepers,” a group that restores the authority over all family cheese decisions to…

Rosie ref

I had a dream last night that I was applying to be a referee in the the local “ring around the rosie” league. But they rejected my application because I was just too big. They were afraid I’d frighten the…

I like things old-fashioned

I voted today on plain old paper. No computers for Alameda County this time around. And I dug it. It was great, voting on paper. Some things are just better the old-fashioned way. Am I right? For example, ice cream.…