6 thoughts on “My One-Word Review of the Beatles New CD “Love””

  1. OK, I’ll bite…and I’ll also be the oddball by using my real name… I saw this “new” Beatles CD in all the stores over the holidays and considered buying it (but didn’t). I couldn’t help but think “gee, I own all the original albums/CDs plus the “Naked” and other re-makes/re-engineering efforts, so why in the world would I want/need this?” I’m glad I resisted. But a friend gave me this really cool bootleg CD with a bunch of test recordings of White Album songs…now *that* was worth the retail price of a CD!

  2. To the mysterious “Joe Wikert” (obviously an assumed name): Happy 2007; I wish I had that bootleg; have you heard of The Grey Album, a mashup between songs on The White Album and Jay-Z’s The Black Album? I’m not a real hip-hopper but it managed to make familiar songs sound fresh again.

  3. Ah, my good buddy Rodney K., also undoubtedly a pseudonym… No, I haven’t heard of that Grey Album, but that’s a wild idea. Then again, I’m not a hip-hopper either, so I wonder whether I’d like it. My son, on the other hand, might think it’s quite good. (Btw, we really miss you in Wiley-world! I hope you’re doing well.)

  4. That’s 18 words.
    Rodney, white album (and other beatles) outtakes aren’t too hard to find. Also, look for “Get Back” the pre-Phil Spectorized version of “Let It Be”

  5. I have a copy of the grey album somewhere. I couldn’t get through it. I tried a couple of songs, and then decided it wasn’t worth the effort or time. As far as I was concerned it was the hip-hop version of Hooked on Classics. (Remember those “songs” from the 70s?) I wouldn’t be surprised if someone writes an algorithm to pull random words out of a rhyming dictionary and slap them on top of the tracks. Available soon from Wal-Mart, 14.99.


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