(as in: far as I can tell, no actual effort went into the making of this thing.)
"…something like the supervisor of an entire team of political agents…"
(as in: far as I can tell, no actual effort went into the making of this thing.)
so weird…just had it handed to me about an hour ago. They like edited the songs with protools, on a hill with a fool…
OK, I’ll bite…and I’ll also be the oddball by using my real name… I saw this “new” Beatles CD in all the stores over the holidays and considered buying it (but didn’t). I couldn’t help but think “gee, I own all the original albums/CDs plus the “Naked” and other re-makes/re-engineering efforts, so why in the world would I want/need this?” I’m glad I resisted. But a friend gave me this really cool bootleg CD with a bunch of test recordings of White Album songs…now *that* was worth the retail price of a CD!
To the mysterious “Joe Wikert” (obviously an assumed name): Happy 2007; I wish I had that bootleg; have you heard of The Grey Album, a mashup between songs on The White Album and Jay-Z’s The Black Album? I’m not a real hip-hopper but it managed to make familiar songs sound fresh again.
Ah, my good buddy Rodney K., also undoubtedly a pseudonym… No, I haven’t heard of that Grey Album, but that’s a wild idea. Then again, I’m not a hip-hopper either, so I wonder whether I’d like it. My son, on the other hand, might think it’s quite good. (Btw, we really miss you in Wiley-world! I hope you’re doing well.)
That’s 18 words.
Rodney, white album (and other beatles) outtakes aren’t too hard to find. Also, look for “Get Back” the pre-Phil Spectorized version of “Let It Be”
I have a copy of the grey album somewhere. I couldn’t get through it. I tried a couple of songs, and then decided it wasn’t worth the effort or time. As far as I was concerned it was the hip-hop version of Hooked on Classics. (Remember those “songs” from the 70s?) I wouldn’t be surprised if someone writes an algorithm to pull random words out of a rhyming dictionary and slap them on top of the tracks. Available soon from Wal-Mart, 14.99.