For this week’s tune, I sent bass and a pair of keyboard tracks to Yaniv Soha — my frequent co-conspirator and the recently ousted former CFO of Yaniv added vocals and atmospheric guitar and, hey presto — here are the results. (If the music sounds a little familiar, those bass and keyboard tracks also show up as the back up band behind Dan Mummert’s excellent The Lotus Eaters, over on Monkey Vortex Radio Theater .)
Press Play to play.
I liked Yaniv’s lyrics so much I thought I’d include them here for your reading pleasure:
Downed Them All
come down like the rain again rain down like the fall come down from those asian drugs you downed them all
catacomb stalls soft decay soft-spoken calls shades of grey
you drown them all
And that’s the name of that tune.
Not just eating the lotus, this time we are the lotus.
Has a flavor reminiscent of “Since I Don’t Have You” (“I don’t have plans and schemes / and I don’t have hopes and dreams…”).
Nice teaser, but build it out to a real song!