Great-grandfather’s beard

been thinking about my great-grandfather’s beard. I can’t compete with that. Puffy-white sketched lawyer-still. Coffee, ironed tablecloths, small spoons. Not one drop swings loose. Cigars for all. Corona de Luxe smoke drifts over old Europe squares. Sons in perfect pose.…

Bad words

Meatballs (the movie) caused me to explain slurs to my kids the other day. Looking for a less-than-awful example, I stumbled on this lost memory: As noted else-blog, I lived in Holland for a stretch while growing up. There I…


driving home late telling my eyes it’s just about time to open wide, let in a few headlights reveal the back of my head. clang noises clanging back there still clanging away let the headlights shine on in. 0


Sad to learn today that all those robocalls weren’t actually being made by robots. I guess it would have taken a lot of campaign resources to create an army of robo-Feinsteins and robo-Newsoms. I can’t blame them for focusing on…