From out of the whispering past: Mac Davis

Back in high school I was lucky enough to have two excellent friends who were also great musicians — Heroic Imp and SKP. They’d jam, and I’d make up some words — insta-tunes, written and recorded in one night. And that right there was my introduction to the idear that writing and recording music is good for the brain.
Post-high school, sometime around 1987, Imp and I were at his Jersey City pad, most likely suffering an MSG hangover. He took out the 4-track, guitar, bass, and drum machine, and we wrote up a little homage to country-singing-legend-and-sometime-movie-star Mac Davis.
When we were done, musta been after midnight, we switched on the tube and there was the man — Mac himself — in North Dallas 40. Imp recorded a sample on the spot and then went back to his Tascam to work it into the tune.
The result has been on a cassette in various closets for 17 years or so. But this weekend I finally figgered out how to turn cassettes into MP3s — surprisingly easy once the plug is in place. Easy and kinda like magic.
Thus it is, that all these years later, Mac Davis rides again. Giddyap!
Press Play to play.
playtime: 2:07
file specs: a scant 1.9 MB

3 thoughts on “From out of the whispering past: Mac Davis”

  1. Touching, moving, like MSG itself, stills the mind then fogs it, only to allow it to come back for some more…it was a fine night, fine damn night, god damn! Bless youth and all the soldiers! Every one of ’em. I am mac Davis and I am from teene..I AM MAC DAVIS AND I…I am MAc…MAc…Davis…and WE are ALL from Tennessee…I am MAc Davis, and I am from Tennessee.

  2. very sweet.
    7th grade, i met heroic imp and others in a new school, and they all seemed to play guitars (jeff [sweet les paul custom that was later stolen in boston], pete, howard, heroic). their band played a h.s. gig at our local temple and almost trashed the place. i can stil picture howard throwing records and screaming ‘death to disco.’


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