Category: Meander

The Midnight’s Children Meander, Week Five

Welcome to Week Five, in which we careen in a meandery way toward something approaching the halfway mark! Like Amanda in the comments, I was struck by how Saleem’s newfound Umbrella Academy-ish (hat tip Guzmán) abilities nicely match the experience…

The Midnight’s Children Meander, Week Three

Wonderful section, wonderful thread…! I agreed with just about all the comments this week. Like Furiosa, I’m hoping to use “funtoosh” in a sentence soon. Like just about everyone, I’m still swirling from the cinematic mashup of the monkeys, the…

The Midnight’s Children Meander, Week Two

Welcome fellow Meanderers to our first pause that refreshes. Be careful, though, taking a dip in the river, nosing around the tussock, stepping over the plentiful ordure…. So many great comments this week! From Noodles’ #metameandermoment, to Furiosa’s call out…

The Midnight’s Children Meander: Week One

Greetings! Explanations follow. But first, a confession: I’ve been afraid of Midnight’s Children for three decades. It was assigned to me in college. I never read it. And it has been staring at me balefully ever since. Like, completely full…

Announcing: The Midnight’s Children Meander

Greetings friends! In brief: New Meander starts August 16th! Which is to say: Following fast on the heels of the internationally acclaimed White Noise and Blind Assassin Meanders, Vortex Industries is thrilled to announce the imminent arrival of The Midnight’s…