Category: Meander

The 5 Books Meander, Week 5 (Ḥayyei Sarah)

In brief: Ḥayyei Sarah translates to “Life of Sarah.” This section focuses on Sarah’s passing, the arrival of Rebekah, and Abraham’s passing and burial. It surprised me that the story of Sarah’s passing would be referred to as “life of…

The 5 Books Meander, Week 2 (Noaḥ)

Another wonderful section this week. A few thoughts: Much like Seth, the Raven could use more/better PR. On the other hand, the animals that creep are getting tons of screen time. Holding the child responsible for the sins of the…

The Midnight’s Children Meander, Week 10

Oh my goodness we are close to the finish line! Meanwhile, I’ve been busy writing my thesis on pickles and Midnight’s Children, aptly titled, Midnight’s Pickles. Pickle-shaped noses aside, this section was a particularly rich source of literary dill. Twenty-six…

The 5 Books Meander, Week 1 (Bereshit)

In the Jewish tradition, there’s this idea of Torah portions — parashot plural and parashah singular — that you read each week for about a year. And it starts this week. This very one! Right now! With a couple other…