Some time back, a gaggle of ne-er-do-wells gathered together online to read challenging books in 50-page increments.
We commented as we went, checking in, sharing observations. All with the intent of securing for ourselves a magnetized collectible or similar specialized consumer good.
This was a thing we did. And we did it more than once.
Around New Years, we had the notion to rekindle this old habit, and just the other day we wrapped our first such fiesta in 10 years.
We called it: The White Noise Meander because we read a book called White Noise. And “Amble” didn’t have the necessary oomph.
The plan had been to try the next one in the Fall. But what with current circumstances, it seemed reading another challenging book en masse in 50-page increments, and etc., might be a welcome occupation.
All to say, April 5: The Meander. Is. Back!™
Wait, really?!
Really! MeanderTime!™
But what’s the book?! No less than Margaret Atwood’s The Blind Assassin (the Booker-Prize winning gothic suspense, romance, science fiction masterpiece, and I do mean “the” as in, there ain’t two….)

This does sound great. But what are the rules?
If you’re interested in joining, feel free to comment on this thread, or wait for the kick off. For now, all you have to do is get yourself a copy of the book — print, ebook, and audio all work.
Last thoughts
I’ll admit, I was surprised just how much I deeply appreciated The White Noise Meander. I’m super looking forward to diving into this next one, and would love to have ya along for the page-flip.
Best virtual book club ever!
Lazarus Long from the Future Herald called Cec’s virtual book club “a people first literary revolution in a brave new world”.
FYI, has the book available for borrowing. I tried it. 14 days at a time. Book doesn’t seem downloadable, but there is a readable scanned version; not ideal, as unsure if one could keep re-borrowing, but it’s an option for some.
Looking forward to being part of this!
Thank you for the lead on the digital version, Itto!
By an interesting coincidence, I just started Lady Oracle. If I haven’t had enough of Atwood after that, I’ll start TBA.
Notes from the pandemic: My neighborhood Safeway’s muzak played “I Wanna Be Sedated” during senior shopping hour this AM. Yrs truly was the only person who sang along.
“Can’t control my fingers, I can’t control my toes, oh no-oh-oh-oh oh…”
I’m in
Jim! What a joy it would be to have you on the trail!
Yays! 🙂
love it!
This is it! It’s a thing!
Ordered the book today.
We. Are. Global!
I’m in!
🙂 welcome!
Me too.
In! Looking forward to it. Committed to earning a magnet this time.
Dusting off my old trail gear now.
he’s back! 🙂
I’m in
Dig it. I’m gamey.
I’m in, too!
I look forward to re-reading this book in this format with this crew.
Would love to join, thanks for hosting!
I’m in. Mom
Yays! 🙂
Hi, I’m ready!
Afraid to say I’m out – I’m actually hellish busy at work because of the situation
I’ve been waiting all week for today. Cracking the book open today.
Great book choice
join us Sylvia! Re-reads allowed/encouraged 🙂
ok ok but don’t actually read it! Kick-off is tomorrow….
understood! We’ll miss ya though. See you I hope on the next ride Dr. V!
Woohoo! 🙂
🙂 !
I’m in like Martha Quinn!
Atwood is the BEST. I’m IN!
Do I still need to sign up over here?
you are in! I’ll send out a note tomorrow when we kick off and the Week 1 post is live. Woot!
I’m in!
I’m in!
We want in, too! We = Guzmán and Ute – THANKS!
Sure, what the heck.
Sorry, you’re 100% correct. I got my days mixed up. Don’t worry, I left it on my nightstand. I’m cracking open…….NOW!
i’m in too!
Count me in!
I’m in