Another day at the RNC, and another post over on Edgewise. Today’s topic: how George Bush gave the greatest speech of his life. And how he’s still gonna lose. Read all about it, here
"…something like the supervisor of an entire team of political agents…"
Another day at the RNC, and another post over on Edgewise. Today’s topic: how George Bush gave the greatest speech of his life. And how he’s still gonna lose. Read all about it, here
Shazam! Ever consider punditry, Cecil? You’re a natural!
oy W seemed like a mentsh, but he’s really pisk, a miskayt, shiker meshugine sheygets with his mishigas, and i wish a thousand tsures on his g_d forsaken campaign. and,
Finstere leyd zol nor di mama oyf im zen.*
[Black sorrow is all that his mother should see of him.]
Oyskrenkn zol er dus mame’s milakh.*
[He should get so sick as to cough up his mother’s milk.]
Trinkn zoln im piavkes.
[Leeches should drink him dry.]
*these wonderful yiddish curses courtesy of: