Category: Uncategorized

Russia Me Lap Am On (for Kenneth Koch)

Artichokes with dark splotches, dry stems, peeling soft near avocado papa-san. Pump cheese? Please — pump chew. Pump chew, you bastard! Pump cheddar! Fact: Belgium bats its Belgian eyes. Hungary honey-shaded my heart. Luxemburg — well, you know how I…

x-post: Paranoia, Pynchon, and Iraq

I’ve been ranting a little bit over on edgewise about the Iraqi elections — and in particular about the creepy lack of media attention to the results of late. The most recent vent quotes from our old pal Pynchon. Read…

x-post: Politics, Politics, Politics

Three new political posts over on Edgewise and DailyKos: Witness the birth of an exciting new meme (“So-Called ‘Bush Twins’”) here (and take the poll!) Then read all about the true state of the horse race (hint: it’s tied) here…